ReachOut World Day is "ReachOut 24/7"; it's a 24-hour period set aside to cover the whole world with Rhapsody of Realities in all known languages and dialects. Beyond reaching the whole world, over 7 billion people will be effectively discipled as they're engaged with Rhapsody of Realities in an accountable way.

Reachout World Day Prayer March

As we march triumphantly on the road to ReachOut world, our prayers play a vital role. Join millions around the world praying incesstantly towards ReachOut World Day. Click the link to pick a slot and pray daily as an individual or group. Together we can do so much more!


Make copies of Rhapsody available in all languages and in all categories as you sponsor languages, sponsor street distribution, and sponsor the ReachOut World Day.

The Translator's Edition.

The Distribution of Rhapsody of Realities 10 billion people in 8,123 languages and over 4,000 dialects

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Penetrating With Truth

The distribution of Rhapsody of Realities to households around the world

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The Say Yes to Kids Campaign Edition.

We are influencing 1.9 billion children globally with Rhapsody of Realities for Kids and Early Readers.

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The Teevolution Edition is this Friday and Saturday.

We are influencing 1.2 billion Teenagers in the world with Rhapsody of Realities for Teenagers.

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We are Reaching the Youths for Christ with Rhapsody of Realities.

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No One Left Behind

We are distributing Rhapsody of Realities to the visually and hearing impaired in Braille and Sign Language.

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The Minister's Edition 2.0

We are distributing Rhapsody of Realities to the visually and hearing impaired in Braille and Sign Language.

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Rhapsody of Realities in 8,123 languages and 4,000 dialects!

Every language, a treasure. Join us, as we continue to make the daily devotional available to more people in the language of their hearts. Sponsor the free distribution of Rhapsody of Realities any language of your choice!

About Rhapsody of Realities

Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional is a life guide, designed to enhance your spiritual growth and development by bringing you a fresh perspective from God’s Word every day.