.Sponsoring Rhapsody translations . Engaging others with the Gospel through Rhapsody of Realities . Enlisting them to subscribe to Rhapsody of Realities . Distributing print and electronic copies of the devotional


This drive is part of our ReachOut World Campaign. Through this campaign, we are taking the message of Redemption to all the world by sponsoring Rhapsody of Realities in all languages and traveling to over 1 million cities, towns, and villages to distribute copies of Rhapsody to men, women, and children.

About Rhapsody of Realities

Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional is a life guide, designed to enhance your spiritual growth and development by bringing you a fresh perspective from God’s Word every day.

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Join The 'Say Yes to Kids' Campaign

Join us in reaching children with Rhapsody for Early Readers, Kiddies Rhapsody and all other children’s materials as we provide a foundation of God’s Word to build children up the right way.

Teens Teevolution

Join us in reaching teenagers around the world with “Rhapsody Teevo”, a daily devotional specially designed for them. God’s Word in the hands of every teenager is a future secured.

Rhapsody of Realities in 8,123 languages and 3,999 dialects!

Every language, a treasure. Join us, as we continue to make the daily devotional available to more people in the language of their hearts. Sponsor the free distribution of Rhapsody of Realities any language of your choice!


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No one left behind

Rhapsody of Realities is also available in Braille for adults, teenagers and the kids. Join us reaching those special needs with God's Word.